Quote of the Day, Good Thing Nobody Watched The Democratic Debate, Huh? edition.

Good for Democrats, that is. Megan McArdle:

Last night, on the other hand, Clinton decided to stop mucking about with vague promises to bring Wall Street to heel. Instead, she claimed that she was a financial regulator of rare foresight and rarer steely will, hated and feared by the denizens of New York’s financial district. Presumably we are supposed to see that $675,000 she was paid by Goldman Sachs to make three speeches less as a warm gesture between close friends, than as the bags of gold left outside the city gates for the Visigoth king who is threatening to sack the place.

Megan is naturally enough torn between hostile appreciation for Hillary Clinton’s chutzpah-saturated hypocrisy, and weary resignation that both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are all that the Democrats get.  To which I would add: those two are all that the Democratic party leadership deserves, too.  But, fortunately: they’re not really what America as a whole deserves – including ordinary, decent Democrats*.

Moe Lane

*Like my mother.

This is Hillary Clinton’s problem, in a nutshell.

We know two things:

  1. Hillary Clinton should be indicted.  No, seriously. She is long past the point where most people would have been indicted.  If her name was, say, Martha Libby – and, more importantly, if she was not the presumptive Democratic front-runner – then Hillary Clinton would be rapidly approaching her trial date by now. If she is not indicted, there is going to be a godawful feces-storm that will stretch out into the term of the next administration – and quite possibly the administration after that.
  2. Hillary Clinton will not be indicted.

Here’s the thing: I don’t know a partisan Republican who is professionally upset that Hillary Clinton will not be indicted.  We all want her to be indicted, sure.  And we’re personally appalled that she won’t be.  But in terms of our jobs we can all see the silver lining in that particular cloud.  And we won’t feel guilty about it, either.  After all, it’s not like we can indict her anyway.

Tweet of the Day, @SenWarren Comes SO Close To Showing Actual Courage edition.

But she flubs the dismount.

Senator Elizabeth Warren doesn’t quite have the guts to admit what we all know: that Hillary Clinton did some bad things, and that Clinton shouldn’t be the Democratic nominee for President.  For that matter: if you want a President who will ‘honor the simple notion that nobody is above the law,’ then you had better vote for a Republican: nobody on the Democratic side will dare prosecute anybody in the current administration for any of the bad things that those people did. Bernie Sanders in particular would turn a blind eye to all the crony capitalism that you’d think that a would-be Commie would be all up in arms about.

Come on, search your feelings. You know it to be true.

Tweets of the Day, We So TOTALLY Want To Run Against Hillary edition.

Mind you: we’re going to, anyway.



I mean, let’s face it. If Bernie Sanders can apparently beat her, or at least give her a run for her money, then we certainly can beat her, too. This is SCIENCE.

Quote of the Day, I Guess Hillary Only Thinks WHITE Babies Count edition.

OK, here’s the quote from Hillary Clinton:

And I guess at the end of the day, for me—you know, people talk about their extraordinary grandchildren, but I actually have one—and we’re going to do everything we can to give her opportunities…

…and apparently she’s talking about Bernie Sanders’ grandkids.  Three of them were adopted from China by his biological son; the other four are children of the stepchildren from Sanders’ second marriage.  Which makes them all… BERNIE SANDERS’ GORAM GRANDCHILDREN.  Jeez.  There is a time for pedantry.  Any situation involving the ‘real’ status of grandchildren isn’t one of them.

Good GOD, Hillary.  Don’t make me defend Bernie Sanders!  I don’t like it!

Via @JohnEkdahl.

What IS the Democrats’ Plan B if Hillary actually implodes?

No, I haven’t heard anything. Except a lot of muttering and murmuring on how the latest email dump has some pretty serious implications… and a notable silence on the Left about the entire subject. Which is not nearly enough to justify serious speculation on what happens if Hillary Clinton does… not finish the primary season. And, seriously, there’s every reason to think that she does.

But if she doesn’t… it’s pretty much down to Biden, Kerry, O’Malley, and Sanders, right?