Bill Clinton poses with man who called @BarackObama an indentured servant.

(Via @PJMedia_com) Oh, sure, Bill Clinton also posed with a couple of prostitutes, but they were legal ones from Nevada. This is easily more problematical:


Continue reading Bill Clinton poses with man who called @BarackObama an indentured servant.

And to think they considered RFK Jr. for EPA head.

That would have been one fascinating Cabinet meeting. Up to the point where RFK Jr screamed ‘TRAITOR!’ and tried to murder the President.

That wasn’t a joke.

So let’s start off by reviewing the basic statement:

“Clean coal is a dirty lie,” says environmentalist Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who calls President Barack Obama and other politicians who commit taxpayer money to develop it “indentured servants” of the coal industry.

Let us stop here, for a moment. This isn’t about clean coal, per se. That debate is actually irrelevant to this post. Also irrelevant – for this post – is whether Kennedy meant anything racial by use of the term ‘indentured servant.’ You can decide for yourself whether that was a code phrase for ‘slave.’  But what we have to establish here is that Robert F Kennedy referred to the President of the United States as an indentured servant to the coal industry.  So conceded that it happened?

Good.  Let us move, as they say, on. Continue reading And to think they considered RFK Jr. for EPA head.