This Netflix thing is more or less…

…designed for iPads, it seems: which is nice, because using the latter for an actually useful video editing platform is still hung up with the minor detail that I still can’t find an app that will let me translate the video from my Canon PowerShot SD1200IS into a form that iMovies can comprehend.

And this is why Apple has a niche in the market.  You’d think that their phones and mp3 players would have allowed them to exploit a breakout, but that isn’t going to happen.

Rep. Issa asking hard questions on WH message security.

As represented by the growing use of iPads – and no, that’s not actually ridiculous.  An iPad or iPad2 on a 3G network is a combination camera, scanner, and communications device that is independent of the White House’s servers; which means that anything written or transmitted by it is not going to be automatically recorded by those servers. And the problem with that?  Well, the problem with that is called the Presidential Records Act, which defines and regulates a lot of the official communications and records of the Executive Branch.

Let me summarize the below video from House Oversight:

Continue reading Rep. Issa asking hard questions on WH message security.