#rsrh Jeffrey Goldberg gives illustration of Pournelle’s Law.

Jeffrey Goldberg (via Glenn Reynolds) commented about an article called “The White Savior Industrial Complex:” I’m going to focus on that post largely because, contra Goldberg, I lost interest in the original post when its author Teju Cole started uncritically regurgitating long-exploded antiwar claptrap about 1.5 million Iraqis being killed during its liberation and reconstruction*.  Which is a shame, because before that Cole was writing some interesting stuff about boutique activism – and I’ll be nice and not comment on whether Cole’s primary purpose in life these days is to make white American liberals feel deliciously bad about themselves…

Whoops. Continue reading #rsrh Jeffrey Goldberg gives illustration of Pournelle’s Law.

Jeffrey Goldberg’s charming Naivete.

Reacting to this Don Belt fellow’s offhand comment about “…American Christians in sneakers and “I [heart] Israel” caps, clearly stoked for the battle of Armageddon,” in his offhand (and smugly self-congratulatory) article about Christians in the Middle East, Mr. Goldberg remarks:

Not all American Christians who love Israel love it because they dream of Armageddon. But to Mr. Belt, any Christian who expresses support for Israel is “clearly stoked” for the apocalypse. National Geographic is carefully-edited; how does a sentence like this one get through?

Because the editor found it utterly unexceptionable?  The uncontemplated (and largely unthinking) religious prejudice that Belt exhibits here is hardly uncommon, after all.

Among a certain type, that is.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.