#rsrh Perhaps I am too cheerfully cynical…

…but I am neither shocked nor particularly upset that Juan Williams got fired for espousing heresy.  I’m not shocked because I already knew that NPR’s particularly flavor of corporate theocratic thinking is incredibly intolerant of opposing viewpoints (especially when they’re coming from inside the faith, and doubly so when they’re coming from non-white/non-male heretics); and I’m not particularly upset because, well, it ain’t my religion and I’m not obliged to get all worked up because a talking head got excommunicated from his church.

But defund NPR, by all means.  That’s a good idea on general principles, and by ‘general’ I mean ‘Establishment Clause.’  I’m sure that we’ll be able to find enough local radio stations that can play jazz records for a couple of hours a day.

Welcome to the VRWC, Juan Williams.

Ah, nostalgia.

Yes, I know: you still consider yourself to be a liberal.  It doesn’t matter in the slightest. Warren Ballantine signed you up with us last Thursday night, and since you’re adamantly refusing to learn your place (via Hot Air Headlines)…

…it’s only going to be a matter of time.

Trust me on this.

Moe Lane

PS: There is one way to return to the fold: you just have to crawl to your accusers, show them your belly, and enthusiastically recant everything that they tell you to recant.  Easy as pie, really.

Crossposted to RedState.