#rsrh Fascinating data point on the Online Left.

If you compare Kevin Drum to Brittney Spears, they get incredibly defensive about it.  Again: fascinating.

Absolutely fascinating.

(H/T: Instapundit)

Moe Lane

PS: What?  Oh, I don’t feel qualified to assess that comparison for fairness, sorry.  Mostly because I don’t currently feel the need to keep current about either of the two people involved.

Not to be mean to Kevin Drum…

…actually, that’s a bit of a fib; being mean to Kevin Drum (and any other Mother Jones flunky) is a bit of a social and civic responsibility these days.  Anyway, he was just found whining “You know, if I’d wanted Dick Cheney as president I would have just voted for him” in response to the White House’s desire to expand the ability of law enforcement to read email headers without a court order.  Folks can determine where they sit on that particular issue, but I’d like to remind Kevin, as from one old school blogger to another: it’s funny that you should say that, Sparky.   Continue reading Not to be mean to Kevin Drum…