Yet another Laptop Drive update.

It’s actually almost over, thanks to the generosity of several individuals. Good thing that I got that button working, huh?

Speaking of which:

As noted before, the sooner this is over the sooner I can go back to writing zombie haiku:

Grey cherry blossoms
Exploding in the spring air –
Head shots are messy.

Which may or may not appeal, of course.

The Laptop Replacement Pledge Drive: April 20th.

As has been mentioned in the past, my laptop – the one that I use to cover events – has died, and I need a replacement. Looking at what I’ve accumulated so far, and the existing bank account, and what’s available on discount… well. I’m thinking that another $80 or so would probably handle it; I can scrounge up the rest myself from somewhere. I think.

Alas, I’m not still not getting my checks from the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy, the cheap so-and-so’s – so please note: the donate button is on the sidebar. If only to shut me up on the topic so that I’ll go back to blogging about zombie haiku.