It’s Leap Day! You must buy an indy author’s book!

…I dunno. Maybe it’ll work. Traditions have to start sometime, right? Also note that it wouldn’t count in my readers’ case here, since you’ve undoubtedly all bought at least one of my books at this point. So give me some names! If I’m gonna create this traditional on the fly, the least I can do is honor it.

By the way: Happy Leap Day!

…we need a word for this holiday, really.  Or is there one?  I don’t actually know.  …Wikipedia says ‘Leap Day,’ and goodness knows Wikipedia is never wrong about things that people don’t fight over obsessively.

One interesting piece of trivia, by the way: the year 2100 will not be a leap year.  You see, the leap year thing almost takes care of the entire ‘year is 365.25-ish days long thing:’ you have to do some more compensating to make it all work well enough for all but the most obsessive.  Removing the Leap Day from years divisible by 100 but not divisible by 400 will typically do the trick.  There’s apparently yet more plans to remove (or add) a day, thousands of years from now, but seriously that’s just too narrow-focused for words.