The Advocatur Seeger, Frick & Partner law firm of Liechtenstein: steady, and chill.

A little background: a bit back this Tweet made the rounds.

Well. Now I need a copy, obviously. So I emailed Advocatur Seeger, Frick & Partner AG to find out if they had any more copies of Liechtenstein Maritime Law, and they have just emailed me back! They’re printing more copies, and will send them out, but I’ll likely have to pay shipping. I’ve already replied, letting them know that I have no problem paying at list the per-book printing cost (you get sensitive to that, when you self-publish), so my actually getting this is looking like it might be possible.

They have also hinted that they’d be happy to take my business, should I ever require the services of a Liechtenstein-based law firm. I genuinely respect that: it’s the kind of respectful and proactive hustling that I’d actually want to see in a prospective law firm. Always be closing, right?