Just got back from Looper.

Basic verdict: good, once you get past the fairly obvious gaping plot hole AND the fact that the pto-PRC agitprop is only mildly subtle (I personally think that it’s cute the way that the ChicComs think that we’re going to deal with societal problems the same way that they do; eg, badly).  But dear God but it was grim.

But it was grim that tried to take the concept of time travel seriously, so go ahead if you like the genre.

Moe Lane

PS: Saw the trailer for Red Dawn.  Still has an incredibly stupid premise, sorry.

Trailer for Looper.

I want to believe that this will not suck.

…but I have a question.  If you have time travel (OK), and you’re using it to dump bodies (…OK), why are you sending them back to a cornfield for some other guy to shoot them?  Open up the portal in 10,000 BC, 20,000 feet above the Marianas Trench – and heck, that’s being artistic: anywhere out in the ocean will do, really.

I’m not saying that the movie won’t work, but if they don’t nail down the ground rules about why you can’t do that – and stick to them – then the movie is going to suck.  Even if it does have Bruce Willis in it.