Who should Obama campaign for next?

I have a list. Lists, really.

Via Hot Air Headlines comes your feel-good news of the morning:

During his whirlwind visit to Las Vegas two weeks ago, President Barack Obama mentioned U.S. Sen. Harry Reid by name four dozen times, gave him a big hug and talked him up as if he was a long-lost brother.


A larger percentage of voters surveyed (17 percent) said they would be less likely to vote for Reid following the president’s visit than said they would be more likely to vote for him (7 percent). Seventy-five percent said Obama’s visit would have no effect on how they vote.

The administration is claiming – now – that the President wasn’t in Nevada to stump for Reid (he certainly wasn’t there to apologize to Nevadans for slamming Las Vegas again), mostly because the administration has far too many people in it who discount the average intelligence of the average American voter.  Meanwhile, they found a political science guy* willing to claim that this isn’t as bad as it looks, because it’s only likely voters that got surveyed, and the President was trying to shore up Reid’s support among registered voters.

No, really.

At any rate, if President Obama feels up to it I’d personally like him to extend his tour.  Could he actively support and stump for every Democrat on this, this, and this list?  Particularly the ones particularly at-risk.  That’d be a help, thanks.

Moe Lane
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