No, in point of fact, Mass Effect 3 did NOT make you do too many pull-ups.

Having actually done all 183 pull-ups in-game, I was nothing but satisfied at the resolution of that particular activity. Because my FemShep broke Vega’s record, you understand. And Vega watched me do it, so there was no mistake.

Understand: Vega and I were tight. He was a good dude. But he had a little difficulty sometimes taking FemShep seriously. So it was necessary to demonstrate who was who, and what was what. Which I did.
Continue reading No, in point of fact, Mass Effect 3 did NOT make you do too many pull-ups.

The Dragon Age / Mass Effect Companions, rated worst to best.

There are 43. The rankings from #42 to #2 are absolute bull[expletive deleted]. But #43 (the worst) is spot-on, and so is #1 (the best).

No, really. I tested this. With SCIENCE. Which is to say, I asked my wife, and she confirmed both the best and the worst Companions without breaking a sweat.  So that’s three data points, right there.

So, I had a minor freak-out tonight (not the bad kind).

My wife and I went to the movies tonight to go see the BBC special on Vikings (because SHUT UP). So I go to use the bathroom before the show actually starts*, and as I’m walking into the actual theater itself I hear the music starting. So I begin to walk.

And then I begin to run, because they played this. As God is my witness, they played this. As the intro to the program.

…Except that nobody else noticed this, apparently. I find it difficult to believe that nobody else would have noticed this.


It may shock some of you to hear that I’m STILL playing Skyrim. It’s not my fault: the fans keep putting out good mods. The one I’m using now even addresses a major flaw in the game: even after you join the Bard’s College you can’t actually, you know, be a bard. This mod fixes that: your character can now play about five or so musical instruments, and – we’re getting towards the point now, I swear – play a bunch of fan-made Skyrim-themed songs.

Oh, yes, this is so totally a thing. But this isn’t a Skyrim-themed song: it’s a Mass Effect-themed song, which made me straighten up in my chair when my Dragonborn started singing it in an inn. Continue reading “Reignite.”

Huh. Something in Mass Effect 3 that I *haven’t* seen before.

Also: I’ll be damned.


Turns out that Conrad Verner was useful after all.  Sure, only one point and everything… but, hey: that’s one more War Asset point than, say, I would have contributed.

Moe Lane
Continue reading Huh. Something in Mass Effect 3 that I *haven’t* seen before.