#rsrh Arkansas valedictorian punished for having a child.

[This was edited.  Heavily.  I was in a white-hot fury when i first wrote it.]

Via the Anchoress comes one of the more offensive stories that you’re going to read today.  Short version: there’s an African-American woman* from McGehee, Arkansas.  She was working to be valedictorian of her local high school and maintaining a 4.0, but became a single mother junior year; so she redoubled her efforts and clawed her way up the academic ladder (via AP classes) to regain the best grade point average… and was made to be c0-valedictorian with white student.  School officials gave her family the runaround on why, reportedly; as the school district apparently has a reputation to routinely shunt African-American students to supposedly less challenging academic tracks, this is perhaps not that surprising.

The special wrinkle, of course, is that McGehee, Arkansas is a Democratic town in a Democratic county in a Democratic Congressional District in what is largely a Democratic-run state – executive and legislative…  and this is where I had to throw out most of the post, because I went on to say some exceptionally rude things.  But I should accentuate the positive, instead: thank God the woman kept the baby.

Helps to remember that that sort of thing is the important thing.

Moe Lane

*I think that recognition of adult status has been earned, here.  Also, name redacted out of privacy considerations: I think that she’s going to have enough problems as it is.