#rsrh This just made me a little sad.

Via Pejman Yousefzadeh comes word of the subtle humiliation of Michael Dukakis:

Dukakis, who said in a telephone interview that he “popped in” to the White House while on a trip here several weeks ago, said he told aides to President Obama that Republicans “want to go back and do exactly what got us in this mess in the first place.”


Asked if the White House aides were receptive, he said, “I think they certainly get it.” He declined to name the aides he met at the White House.

“Aides.” A man runs for President, you’d think that he’d be able to meet at least a Cabinet-level official. Strike that: this is one reason why we have the office of the Vice President. Yeah, yeah, I know, I should be pleased that this White House is as ungracious as ever to its base – and everybody else, really. It’s just that… well, I was a Democrat once. Dukakis was my first Presidential vote. While I’m grateful now that he lost (and a bit embarrassed about my vote), that doesn’t mean that I necessarily enjoy seeing him get casually urinated on like this by the current administration…

Moe Lane

#rsrh Compare to CARTER? Pshaw.

The Weekly Standard is now officially Fighting Dirty with regard to President Obama:

As Barack Obama sees his ratings descend toward the high 30s, he is increasingly described as the second coming of James Earl Carter Jr., whose presidency, gone but hardly forgotten, lives on in masochists’ minds. The comparison is unkind and not quite on target: This is less Carter II than the lost presidency of Michael Dukakis, which seemed a sure thing at this date 22 years ago, and from which we were saved by the elder George Bush.

…and honestly, Noemie Emery makes her case: my only caveat with it is that at least Michael Dukakis had some executive branch experience to point to before he ran for President.  In other words…

Indeed, the mind reels.

Moe Lane Continue reading #rsrh Compare to CARTER? Pshaw.