I can’t think of a song tonight, sorry.

I got backed up with a mild family emergency — everything’s fine now — and I decided to just go gonzo with writing stuff tonight because I needed to clean out the pipes.  But that meant that I wasn’t in a musical mind right now, so… no video.  Sorry about that.

Suggestions welcome. I mean, I’m starting to prefer the Samsung to the iPod when it comes to music. At least I have all my songs now.

Tweet of the Day, I Find It More Annoying Than Funny edition.

I understand the entire ‘drinking their pain’ bit…

…but many if not most of these bands, in point of fact, signed away their right to dictate who can and cannot use their music. Frankly, there will come a day when a fed-up campaign ends up suing one of these bands for fraud because said band offered the music via ASCAP, then raised too much of a stink when the wrong people bought a license. That I’ll find hilarious, because the campaign will probably win.

Looking for good maritime music? Take advantage of my familial obligations!

So, I told my sister-in-law that I’d put a list together of good albums I own of sea music (shanties, specifically, but other music as well): she has the Pyrates Royale stuff already, but wanted more breadth.  So I put the list together, and then thought… hey, my readers might like a list, too.

So here’s a preliminary list: it is not even remotely inclusive survey on sea music, but I like all the albums on this list.  Between them, they cover a lot of the basics.  Feel free to add your own in comments.