Throwing together a homemade mac-and-cheese, and the question arose:

ground mustard?  I decided not to add some, but was a fairly tough call.  The cheese sauce was made on the incremental method: start the roux, add milk every time it looked like it was going to clump up, then start adding cheddar cheese until everything looked about right.  I put in some pepper, and some salt, and then some more salt after my wife noted that it could use some more — and then she brought up mustard, and I kind of had to stop and think about it at that point.

The problem was the complication it offered, you see.  I was already possessed of a pretty good cheese sauce and we’re doing a catch-as-catch-can dinner because I forgot to defrost the pork chops last night.  Mustard might punch it up, or knock it out.  I decided to be pragmatic and not roll the dice.

Still: thoughts?