So, apparently we *did* think about nuking the moon.

Assuming that you believe the source: no, not  Those guys are pretty reliable, for given values of ‘reliable.’  But they got this one off of a Commondreams reprint of a Guardian article, so you have to wonder how much is true, and how much is ‘betcha I can make ’em believe it.’

I should also note that the likelihood of it not working is perhaps lower than people might think; the arguments for it are persuasive.

IMAO made Snopes!

Like Jim Treacher, I’m jealous: hate mail is all very well (and I retain some hope of getting my own hate site some day, or at least one for RedState that can meet our actually fairly demanding criteria), but having to have to have…

Yes, I think that’s grammatical.

…anyway, when Snopes has to put out an advisory on your site’s satire piece, You Have Officially Arrived On The Internet.  Although, personally?  I’m always going to think that Nuke the Moon was robbed.


Crossposted to RedState.