My, what a pleasant dentist’s visit.

One of four, or possibly three. It all depends on whether they can squeeze the start of the new root canal on Thursday, or not. Otherwise, I’ll have to go back next week, or something. For those keeping score: deep cleaning (over two sessions), two fillings, and the aforementioned root canal. I also had to order some special home dental care tools, just for me.

In mildly related news, buy my books!

Being right-handed is no fun.

The hands and knee are kind of better, but it hurts to type too much and whatever I did to my thumb has made it stiff as a board.  Being right-handed is awful; I don’t know how people manage it. All of my reflexes are off.

So, obviously, light posting today.  The thumb does feel rather better at the moment, but that might be the two Negro Modelo I drank with dinner.  Draft, too. Which is always nice when you’re having fajitas.

Moe Lane

PS: It was very touching, the way that the schoolchildren came up to me today to see if Mr. Lane was feeling better.  I must have been an absolute sight.

So, I didn’t actually BREAK anything.

Managed to do a full-front trip and fall onto the sidewalk.  Cut mouth, nosebleed, bleeding nose (if that makes sense), big abrasion on knee, small abrasion on other knee, hands both nastily skinned, thumb feels like it’s been wrenched (not broken or dislocated).  Right outside of my kids’ school, fortunately; they were able to clean me up and band-aid me up*, but it was pretty goram spectacular. Flesh wounds bleed like nobody’s business; I was morbidly interested to see how quickly the ants had found the gore on the sidewalk.

So, hey, light posting this afternoon.

Moe Lane

*They’re good people, at that school.

My hand stings abominably.

Liquid nitrogen for wart removal, you see.  It’s also got an impressive blister, which would be a lot more alarming if I didn’t know that this was perfectly natural and possibly even a sign that this particular treatment is going to be the last one (I’ve had four shots of liquid nitrogen to it, at this point). All of which leads to the larger point: I’m cranky and crabby and my hand smarts and I mostly want to whine about it all.

Sorry about that.

Sorry, my back’s killing me.

I don’t think that it’s anything that a good night’s sleep won’t cure, but I gotta get that good night’s sleep first. I’m pretty much not able to concentrate on doing anything creative, or even all that interesting; the mere act of making some wallpapers for my Patreon took about three times as long as it should have.  So good night, and see you all in the morning.

So, THAT’S how it feels to have a broken crown removed…

…and replaced with a temporary one for the next three weeks*.  Can’t say that I enjoyed the experience very much, particularly since the dentist is not ruling out a root canal.  Which is fine, because it’s a back tooth; so I’m not ruling out an extraction.  I feel that this makes us roughly even.

Yes, I know that this isn’t supposed to be a competition.  Look, I don’t like needles and I don’t like drills in my mouth, OK? So forgive me my little stress management techniques.

Moe Lane

*In two weeks it’ll be Thanksgiving.