So I’m doing NaNoWriMo again.

When I was writing “Frozen Out in Cin City” for my Patreon, I decided that there was in fact a novel in there.  So I guess I should write one, huh?  Fortunately, this time I actually know what the damned plot is before I write start it, so the whole thing should go more easily.  Should be fun!

…Sayeth he, sardonically.

Moe Lane

PS: Patreon!

Patreon microfiction: The Weather Outside.

The Weather Outside” can be seen as part of the ‘What if Earth was a Death World?’ meme that has been around on the Internet lately.  Although it’s a bit supernatural for that.  Then again, what exactly does the rest of the Galaxy think is supernatural?

For that matter, what exactly does the rest of the Galaxy think about, well, anything? Maybe that’s the answer to the Fermi Paradox.  The snow got ’em.

Patreon! Click it! Subscribe! FOR THE CHILDREN.

Hey, I have a Patreon (And broken glasses, but never mind that right now)!

I have broken glasses because I took them off to pill my cat, and then I promptly stepped on said glasses (I also didn’t get the cat pilled).  I can afford new glasses, mind you.  This isn’t an appeal to poverty, because I’m not poor.  I’m just in a really, really grr-arrgh mood right now, that’s all.

So… Patreon!  Sign up*! Make me write stuff!  Patreon!

Moe Lane

*Or tell your friends!  Be the cool friend!

Patreon Microfiction: “From The Bold Marauder – Motivations.”

Ah, yes, her.  Not exactly a supermarket-opener, this particular sprig of the Windsors.  Let’s just say that the United Kingdom in “From The Bold Marauder – Motivations” had itself an extremely lively time of it during the alien invasion that precedes this particular work-in-progress. Many things were clarified, and more than a few assumptions were challenged.

Patreon! — Which you should sign up for, if you want to see more of this character.  But, hey, no pressure or anything.

Short story and gaming material up at Patreon!

Only a dollar a month!  I’m practically giving this away.  I mean, I could have cut Frozen Out In Cin City out short at only 3K words and fulfilled my obligations, and it went to 5K because the story required it.  The latest installment of Shoppers for the Ghoul-Lords could have also been hacked back, but I didn’t, because I respect my patrons.  And if you sign up for my Patreon, then I’ll show you that same respect.

Patreon microfiction: I Work For a Living.

I Work For A Living” implies something that I’ve long believed: if time travel is possible, then time travelers would avoid this era like the plague. I mean, we have the concept — which means the risk that one of us primitive savages would put two and two together and get “this arrogant jackwagon is from AD 2500” is just far too high. And they’d be arrogant, insufferable, condescending jackwagons, too. Imagine how we’d react to visiting Elizabethan London. We’d all need special training just to avoid vomiting at the smell.


Got the veterinary bill back yesterday! …Please subscribe to my Patreon.

Please. Because ow. I mean, we’re not heading for the poorhouse or anything but ow.  Lots of good stuff on my Patreon.  Stories like this! Microfiction like this! Gaming material like this!  And all for a dollar a [MONTH]!

So check it out.