The reluctantly necessary July 2021 Patreon Pledge Drive.

Gonna be honest, here: I don’t exactly like doing these. It feels kind of like I’m nagging, even though obviously my Patreon provides good value for money. But! I am aiming for $200/month, which will help a bit with getting more products out the door and will unlock a new tier of weekly pulp SF fiction.

As is my wont, new backers earn instant gratification in the form of a new Bold Marauder installment for every day we get a new backer! And we’re about to get to some of the good bits, too.

February Patreon Pledge Drive, 2/26/2019.

We’re on the last few days where I actively nag about this, and it actually has been fairly successful! I’ve gotten more people to sign up, so that’s a plus. Also, I ended up putting together some stuff for it that I should have earlier. So, all in all, we are moving along. Gotta keep plugging.

Note, however, that if I get even more people signing up, I will be unlocking yet more stuff. Including maybe even a couple of chapters of the work in progress Assault on Malstorm Base! I like where this particular bit of Fermi Resolution fiction is going. Sign up, and maybe you will too.

Yeah, I really should have made it easier to tell $1 bumps apart.