Post-Dispatch rewriting articles for the Russ[/Robin] Carnahan campaign[s]*? [UPDATED]

Which is, by the way, kind of sad of them.

Jake Wagman’s at it again.

For those wondering, Jake Wagman was the guy who earlier tried to pass off this photo:

…as some sort of evidence that Russ Carnahan is some sort of rock-em, sock-em Congressman (and not, say, evidence of why American political dynasties rarely survive the third generation).  Needless to say, after being thoroughly mocked for it the reporter corrected – so you’d think that the guy learned his lesson about uncritically working with the Carnahan campaign[s], right?

Yeah, you know where this is going. Continue reading Post-Dispatch rewriting articles for the Russ[/Robin] Carnahan campaign[s]*? [UPDATED]