So, how was the Power Rangers movie?

I know that some of my readers were looking forward to it, and it hit its numbers. Critics hated it, of course, but you knew going in that that was going to happen. Can I safely expose it to my two grammar school-age kids when it hits video, though? – Because my kids love the Power Rangers, and when they find out about this flick they’re definitely going to want to see it.

The latest ‘Power Rangers’ movie trailer.

Well. The Power Rangers movie may not suck, but my kids aren’t going to go see it. I guess that there are enough adults by now who grew up watching the show that it won’t matter that it’s not geared towards the under-ten crowd.

I’m not really disapproving. I didn’t watch the Power Rangers myself when it was on – I was a decade too old, more or less – so I don’t really know if this is even annoying to the folks in their twenties and thirties. For all I know, they’re going to be on a full nostalgia kick over it.

…Goodness gracious, but I have an opinion on the new Power Rangers outfits.

They’re not nearly dorky-looking enough. This is supposed to be a low-budget kid’s show, right? Iron Man, what sins have been committed in thy name!

Continue reading …Goodness gracious, but I have an opinion on the new Power Rangers outfits.