Tweet of the Day, Watch Climate Change Fundamentalists Desecrate A Memorial edition.

It’s not that your average climate change fanatic acts badly. It’s not even that they cannot act well. It’s that they apparently have no real conception of what ‘acting badly’ and ‘acting well’ even MEAN.

I mean, I don’t have to tell anybody reading this Do not trample a memorial to murdered people.  I don’t have to tell the average member of the Democratic party this, either. I probably wouldn’t have to tell a regular, ordinary liberal – well, maybe a few. But most would get it. But God save us from religious fanatics who don’t understand that they’re either…

Inevitable pay-for-protest scandal in #ferguson.

Huh. I keep forgetting that this is actually, you know, news:

“Remember the protests (and riots) in Ferguson last summer? It looks like at least some of the protestors were told they would be paid to show up and now they’re upset the checks haven’t arrived yet,” Katie Pavlich writes at Townhall. “Weaselzippers has the full story and the screen shots showing “protestors” using the Twitter hashtag #cutthecheck in response to non-payment. Based on tweets, Organize Missouri is responsible for issuing payments…”

I mean, I know that the so-called ‘populist Left’ is a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham.  I certainly hope that my readers know this, too. But Ed and Katie and Weasel Zippers all have a point: we need to point out the Potemkin Village that is the Activist Left at every opportunity. Every little bit helps.

Via Instapundit.

Why it’s stupid to protest in the highway.

Because eventually the people who do become the miserable [expletive deleted] who do this to people:

A beloved 83-year-old West Bridgewater grandfather has been left with spinal fractures and broken ribs after his ambulance had to be diverted around this morning’s protest on I-93, his daughter said, describing herself as “livid.”

“I understand your plight, but it’s moronic to put other people’s lives and public safety in jeopardy,” said Nadine McGrath, daughter of Richard McGrath. “I’m just so angry. I’m livid. You’re protesting police brutality and people losing their lives but you’re willing to take other people’s lives to prove a point? That just doesn’t make any sense.”

Continue reading Why it’s stupid to protest in the highway.