I’m getting tired of having to drop webcomics…

…because their authors’ have decided to use Twitter to say all the filthy political stuff that they don’t dare say on their front page.

And I liked Questionable Content, too.  but I’m not going to pretend that it’s proper to make jokes about anally raping female conservative politicians.

Subtract out the ‘massive amounts of self-loathing’…

…at least, for the right-side*; and also subtract the ‘drinking too much**.’ So that leaves ‘horrible sleep habits‘ as being part of the ‘political blogging lifestyle,’ too.  I’d also note that Total Immersion In The Snark is also a trait that political bloggers and webcartoonists share, but then: that’s true for Internet denizens in general…

Moe Lane

*We’re actually quite chipper, over here. Not least because it absolutely infuriates some of our perpetually pinched-face analogues on the Other Side. They’re not happy (and never will be), so they’re kind of ticked that we aren’t even more miserable.

**Dammit. Ach, well, it’s not like I’m 25 anymore. Or even 35.