Gonna befriend me some crows.

Or ravens. Or whatever they are around here, in fact. I am told by this article that crows and ravens react well to peanuts, still in the shell; and I’m gonna test that.

Why? Because corvids are cool, that’s why. And very smart, so it’d neat to have some hang out while I’m having my morning coffee. Crows are perfectly capable of getting along with humans, and they’re not going to be eating any of my crops, so there’s no reason not to be neighborly. And yes, I imagine that I’m over-romanticizing this, but it’s a free country, what-what?

Tweet of the Day, The Raven Looks Kind Of Embarrassed To Be There edition.

He’s got that Hey, man, I have no fingers or thumbs, OK?  If I want to get downtown, this is how I get downtown look to him. Also: I’m not one to judge, but if I was hanging out with a raven I would like to think that I’d have a somewhat more exuberant view of life because, hey, I’m hanging out with a raven and that’s pretty cool, right? Ravens have personality, is what I’m saying.


Note that this is a TOWER OF LONDON raven.

I have encountered Tower of London ravens once in my life, and I was impressed. The ravens there are very bright examples of what is already a very bright animal species; and they did not seem inclined to be trifled with. I probably don’t believe the legend about them and the Tower, but why take the risk?