Star Wars: the environmentalist version.

I’ve stuck it in both categories because, well, it fits in both.

Via First Things, via Boing Boing, and ain’t the Internet cool that way? What makes it especially funny is that it was done by a very bitter radical environmentalist who is primarily upset that his fellow radical environmentalists are such weenies about destroying Western civilization. He apparently loathes them even more that most of the people reading this…

Moe Lane

I actually look forward to Scalzi’s Star Trek rant.

I wonder if it’ll hit the same ones that I would have; particularly, how every major problem in the Star Trek universe can be solved by a modified tachyon burst emitted through the main deflector grid.

Anyway, via Instapundit comes “John Scalzi’s Guide to the Most Epic FAILs in Star Wars Design.” I like this one the best, because it’s one that I didn’t think of ahead of time, but was bloody obvious once it was pointed out to me:

Yes, I know, I want one too. But I tell you what: I want one with a hand guard. Otherwise every lightsaber battle would consist of sabers clashing and then their owners sliding as quickly as possible down the shaft to lop off their opponent’s fingers. You say: Lightsabers can slice through anything but another lightsaber, so what are you going to make a hand guard out of? I say: Dude, if you have the technology to make a lightsaber, you have the technology to make a light hand guard.

Well, that’s why he’s John Scalzi, and I’m not.

Moe Lane

Blond, Purple-Bikini Girl shot first.

Via Vodkapundit, girls in bikinis reading from Star Wars Trilogy . Interestingly, this video had my wife in hysterics, if you define ‘hysterics’ as ‘openly laughed a couple of times.’

I suspect that at least one of the bikini-clad readers has actually watched the trilogy about twenty times. Secret geekdom is one of the tragedies of our time.

Moe Lane

It is not the greatest video ever, by the way: there’s no bacon involved. QED.