Who in God’s name keeps buying Starship Troopers videos?

Because they keep making them.  Am I missing something, here?  Seriously, I’m starting to wonder if there’s something wrong with me.  Or that maybe I’m getting old.

Moe Lane

PS: What? Will I watch Starship Troopers: Traitor of Mars?  Don’t be absurd.  The tactical behavior of the Bugs started off stupid in the First Abomination, and apparently never got any better. The real Johnnie Rico — well, you know what I mean — would have erased these CGI-happy herds of stampeding praying mantises halfway through the first movie and then gone out for pineapple squash.

Yeah.  I’m one of those Heinlein fans.  I didn’t even have to look it up.  And here: have a taste of the true quill.

Hey, they’re finally going to make a live-action version of Starship Troopers!

NO. NO, THERE WAS NO LIVE-ACTION STARSHIP TROOPERS MOVIE.  That is Communist agitprop promulgated by KGB holdouts from the old regime.  Never happened. Never. Happened.

So, hey:

EW has confirmed Columbia is currently working on a film version of writer Robert Heinlein’s 1959 science fiction novel of the same name. Despite a previous report from The Hollywood Reporter, sources close to production tell EW the film is not a remake of the 1997 action flick directed by Paul Verhoeven. No personnel from the 1997 film, which grossed $121 million worldwide, are involved.

Continue reading Hey, they’re finally going to make a live-action version of Starship Troopers!

Book of the Week: Starship Troopers.

Speaking of Bob Heinlein: Starship Troopers is, of course, one of the best damn science fiction novels ever written.  It’s been almost comically misunderstood, of course: in fact, you can detect how dubious somebody in the speculative fiction field actually is, just by seeing just how badly he or she misses the point of Starship Troopers. There’s a certain type of mind that simply cannot accept the plain text of the book…

But I digress.  So let us bid adieu to The Curse of Chalion. And hope for another sequel to that one.

Hey, good news! They’re finally going to bring Starship Troopers…

to the big screen!

This is really cool: I’ve always been a fan of Bob Heinlein’s original book – and I liked both X-Men: First Class and Thor*, so I have some faint hope that getting the writers of those two movies’ screenplays to do the adaptation for this one might mean that Hollywood won’t totally mess this up.  Admittedly, it’s going to be hard; which is probably why they’ve never done a Starship Troopers movie before now.

What?  Oh, no, there’s never been a Starship Troopers movie.

Perhaps I was unclear.


Glad that we’ve cleared that up.

Moe Lane

*Would have been better as a miniseries, though.