In the Mail: Terry Pratchett’s Discworld Imaginarium!

Exclamation point because I didn’t order Terry Pratchett’s Discworld Imaginarium: somebody must have seen it on my wish list.  Whoever it was, thank you!  I sat down and read it right away, and it was a pleasure to read.  I very much liked getting this.

If you can secure your own copy, by the way, do so: it is full of fun references for Terry Pratchett fans. Including references to characters that are perhaps a bit obscure.  Which is all part of the appeal.

Moe Lane

PS: Thanks again.

Book of the Week / IT MUST BE MINE: Terry Pratchett’s Discworld Imaginarium.

Terry Pratchett’s Discworld Imaginarium comes out on the 23rd, and all hail the power of a weak pound; a signed copy is apparently significantly cheaper on this side of the pond. In fact, lemme go put it on the Wish List, because Christmas is coming up in six weeks. It looks very very pretty…

AND SO, ADIEU… pardon me.  Just my little joke.  And so, adieu to… The Princess Bride? Must have never replaced the link on the sidebar, last week. Ach, well.