I don’t often fisk…

…and I almost never bother with Maureen Dowd, but this paragraph is impossible to resist. Dowd on the President, and why he should act more like THAT WOMAN (no, really):

He’s a highly intelligent man

Actually, he’s a reasonably intelligent man. 130 IQ, tops.

with a highly functioning West Wing,

Err, no. I’m drawing a blank on things that the executive branch haven’t messed up, lately. These people can’t even manage an Easter Egg roll properly.

and he’s likable,

He’s likable enough. I guess.

but he’s not connecting on the gut level that could help him succeed.

This implies that he ever did (a statement that will no doubt confuse people not on my side of the aisle).

Moe Lane

Stimulus/Response Watch: THAT WOMAN.

Seldom does the universe line up so perfectly. Jonah Goldberg:

Slate magazine is just one of the countless media outlets convulsing with St. Vitus’ Dance over that demonic succubus Sarah Palin. In its reader forum, The Fray, one supposed Palinophobe took dead aim at the former Alaska governor’s writing chops, excerpting the following sentence from her book:

“The apartment was small, with slanting floors and irregular heat and a buzzer downstairs that didn’t work, so that visitors had to call ahead from a pay phone at the corner gas station, where a black Doberman the size of a wolf paced through the night in vigilant patrol, its jaws clamped around an empty beer bottle.”

Other readers pounced like wolf-sized Dobermans on an intruder. One guffawed, “That sentence by Sarah Palin could be entered into the annual Bulwer-Lytton bad writing contest. It could have a chance at winning a (sic) honorable mention, at any rate.”

Click through for the punchline; but you know it already, don’t you?

Via Ed Driscoll, via Sarah Palin’s Uterus – and if you were wondering whether the latter was vicious mockery of the Online Left or not, well: stop wondering. It is.

Moe Lane

Crosssposted to RedState.

Sarah Palin’s new book has no index.

So says Andrew Malcolm, and if true, that is probably the funniest thing that I’ve read all day*. But what Going Rogue: An American Life will have is this:

e) She settles scores with some of those brave McCain folks who as genuine teammates in battle anonymously leaked unhelpful things about her to journalists during the campaign. Ms. P helpfully provides their names.

Andrew’s one of the few mainstream journalists who cares about the Wasilla Church Burning**, so I think that we can safely assume that he’s enjoying the prospect of names being named, too.

Moe Lane

*The joke in DC is that the first thing that anybody in this town does when they see a new political memoir is out is to flip to the back and look him or herself up. Not going to happen on this one, which is perhaps cruel of the former Governor.

**Eleven months, at this point. And no, I don’t enjoy bringing this topic up: while I enjoy hate mail as much as the next person, the kind that I get when I mention this issue typically smells bad. The kind of smell you associate with public restrooms in major metropolitan train stations.

Crossposted to RedState.

Quote of the Day, Sarah Palin edition.

On allegations that she requested that unofficial Jon Corzine ally Chris Daggett drop out of the New Jersey race, the former governor replied:

So, to the good people of New Jersey, please know that Daggett’s claims are false. I’ve never even suggested he should drop out of the race.

…wait for it, wait for it…

But, come to think of it…

Ouch. You want to keep playing, Daggett?

Moe Lane

(H/T: Hot Air Headlines.)

Crossposted to RedState.

Pre-debunking the next Palin book rumor.

Got this one off of the Amazon discussion thread of Going Rogue: An American Life – well, one of the threads. Anyway, expect to see people actually arguing that the reason that the book is selling like hotcakes on Amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com is because supposedly the VRWC is out there making mass pre-orders.  Let’s take it now to Peter Sultan, the commenter who did a nice job throttling this one in its crib:

Umm, not really.

These books are ordered by individuals. A “pre-order” is not a request that a bookstore obtain the book so it can be picked up an purchased later. A pre-order is giving amazon or barnes & noble, etc an *actual* order for the book, with payment method and everything.

So hopefully that will settle the matter.

Moe Lane

PS: I will not dignify any suggestion that I brought this all up solely for the purposes of filthy lucre with a response.

Profiles in fear: ‘conservative’ Democrats and THAT WOMAN.

Politico apparently has a sadist running its assignments, because he or she sent out reporters to interview a bunch of ‘conservative’ Democrats to find out whether they’d be willing to let that woman campaign with them – and got everything from uncomfortable silences to Congressmen actually running away. At least, that’s what I’m going to characterize ‘lunging for elevators’ and suddenly remembering that they had meetings that they had to get to right now. And why would this be? Because there’s no right answer to that question:

For these Democrats, many of them part of the right-leaning Blue Dog Coalition, Palin presents a quandary: She’s deeply unpopular within their own party, but in the socially conservative, often rural districts or states they represent, the plain-spoken, wader-wearing Alaska governor has a following.

…hence the running away. There are a lot of Democrats who will be relying on both the largess of the national party and the forbearance of their majority-Republican districts to stay in office past next November. Embracing that woman will infuriate the former, but too-vehemently rejecting her (as in, rejecting her at all) will hurt them with the latter.  Even if you buy into the professional pundits*’ narrative on that woman, it must be admitted that she is popular with precisely the voter demographic that is currently sending a lot of ‘conservative’ Democrats to Congress.  So… well, nobody ever died of shame, right?  So Running Away really is the best answer, especially if you’re not actually mentioned by name.

I’m not going to claim that this was that woman’s plan all along.  In fact, I actually think that the original story got garbled.  But it’s funny to watch them scatter like this.

Moe Lane

*Who also, by the way, were usually astounded about how that man could keep getting his way on the war, not to mention re-elected.

Crossposted to RedState.