My 2018 WashingCon RPG schedule. (Dungeon Fantasy and In Nomine)

WashingCon is on September 8th and 9th: I will be running two games.  On Saturday (2 PM) I will be running the Hall of Judgement adventure for GURPS Dungeon Fantasy — yup, the one from the Kickstarter.  All official-like, too; by which I mean I told Doug Cole I’d run it at WashingCon if he liked, and Doug liked.  Which is hardly surprising, of course.

The second game is on Sunday (10 AM), and will be The Great Cow Race of 2003.  What’s that?  I’m giving away the adventure with that link? Folks, read the write-up again.  It’s not an adventure: it’s four hours of applied Chaos and Old Night.  I never ran that adventure the same way twice; shoot, I never ran it the same way twice from hour to hour inside the adventure itself.  I fear nothing from having my players know ahead of time what the adventure might be; in fact, I welcome their growing madness.



In Nomine Revisited: The Great Cow Race of 2003.

I ran this one at a couple of conventions.  Things got a little weird out towards the end, honestly.

Great Cow Race of 2003 – Google Docs

The Great Cow Race of 2003

By Moe Lane

Additional Bad Ideas by Jaymiel (and maybe others?)

It all started with a gang of Ofanim of the Wind – you know, stories that begin with that phrase never seem to end well. Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: The Great Cow Race of 2003.