In Nomine Revisited: The Necronomicon, v2.3.

I’d apologize for all the puns in this one, except that I don’t like lying to you fine folks.  There may be a few people out there who still haven’t forgiven me for this, a decade later.

Necronomicon, v23

The Necronomicon, v2.3

It’s interesting (if not particularly surprising) that Jean, Archangel of Lightning, is absolutely personally prosaic about naming his creations. If it’s a gun, he calls it a gun. If it’s a particle accelerator, he calls it a particle accelerator. If it’s a computerized mechanical tool designed to resemble a corporeal life form, he calls it a computerized mechanical tool designed to resemble a corporeal life form. Jean prefers things to be clear. However, the Archangel does recognize that his non-Elohim servants tend to favor more ‘colorful’ names, so he lets them indulge themselves. It may not add anything to a particular device’s utility, but it doesn’t take anything away, either, and the boost to morale is slight but measurable.

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