In which *many* books taunt me.

So, here’s the situation. There’s a book I want to write. Alternative history, pulp detective, set in a world where the USA bought Kamchatka at the same time we got Alaska. I’ve mentioned this before, I’m sure. Anyway: in order to write said book, I need to know a good bit about the major Japanese secret societies operating during the first half of the twentieth century, because they’ll factor into it heavily. But I would need something better than Wikipedia for my research in this one. It just feels proper.

On my wish list currently you will see this: Japanism, Pan-Asianism and Terrorism: A Short History of the Amur Society (The Black Dragons)1901-1945. It is undoubtedly a steal at one hundred and seventy-eight dollars (and NINE CENTS!)… if you’re buying it for a class. As the only general work I can track down that covers the topic? Ehh, not so much.

Continue reading In which *many* books taunt me.

Looks like school’s open tomorrow!

I’ve had at least one of them home all day for a week. Between the trip, the vomiting, the holiday, the enforced day off, and the let’s-close-the-school-because-of-the-roads it’s been, ah, somewhat fraught.  But tomorrow they go back. For the whole day.  I could maybe write some more things.  I’ve got an idea for one that might fly with the revived Amazing Stories magazine. I just need some quiet time to work on it.

Ah, the wonders of vacations. At least, when you have kids.  And they’re good kids, too!

Madison, WI: The Aftermath video.

This… may not have been the nicest video that I have ever thrown together. Then again, scenes like these show us the true majesty and power of America. Only in a country as rich, powerful, and protected as ours could an entire class of people who Really Should Have Known Better congregate to cast some fairly straightforward fiscal reforms in terms of the Descent of the Dark Night of Fascism.

Excuse me: ‘facism.’ The word gets misspelled that way that often that it’s practically an alternate spelling by now.

Moe Lane (crosspost)