Blast from the Past: Don Fowler (D) being scummy.

I just used the video in the process of excising a troll in comments here (for those not clicking through, it’s a reaction to Think Progress’ rather tawdry public hate-masturbation over dead people in Alabama*).  For those without video, it’s one from 2008 where former DNC chair Don Fowler has himself a good laugh about how the possibility of another devastating hurricane in New Orleans was great news for his political faction.

Just a reminder that it’s amazing what Democrats will say in public. The good news? Never having to worry about being raked over the coals for everything that you say rots IQ points like nobody’s business.

Moe Lane

*Because global warming did it (and never mind FEMA), so this was some sort of rough justice. I’d say that this is unique: but, well, Michael Moore and his complaint to al-Qaeda that they targeted buildings in cities that voted for Gore.  So, well, no.

Fox reporter embarrasses Think Progress dolt at CPAC.

If you are not reading this on a computer that can show you YouTube videos, GO TO A COMPUTER THAT CAN SHOW YOU YOUTUBE VIDEOS. Lakeshore Laments described this video as “Fox News reporter [Jesse Watters] messing with the Think Progress clown” (at CPAC), which is accurate, but not nearly an epic enough description.  Which is not Lakeshore Laments’ fault: some things needs to be seen to be believed, and Watters giving an impromptu explanation of how to do a video ambush while never breaking stride is one of them.

Continue reading Fox reporter embarrasses Think Progress dolt at CPAC.

Would-be Dearborn Mosque attacker anti-Bush felon.

This story got very quickly overshadowed by world events, but last week police arrested a man allegedly planning to blow up a Dearborn, Michigan mosque with ‘high-end fireworks‘*.  Needless to say, the Usual Suspects lined up to try the entire “right-wing violent nut inspired by [INSERT NAME HERE]” gambit – because Obama’s Tucson Speech apparently only applies to other people, not Think Progress and/or Talking Points Memo** – only to just now discover that the alleged attacker is… well, you make the call.

  • The accused was arrested and convicted in Vermont in 2004 for threatening George W Bush (as well as bomb threats against a VA facility), made an insanity plea because of various mental disorders, was released in 2005 from a Massachusetts facility because he was “cured,” and apparently started showing signs of going around the bend again in the last few months.
  • The accused has also claimed to be a convert to Islam – which is not a sign of mental illness; but the public, ‘rambling’ claims seem to have predated his allegedly going around the bend in both events.
  • And there’s a substance abuse problem there: pot smoking (which got him thrown out of a VFW post, although the racial epithets probably helped there) and booze (yes, it’s odd for a convert to Islam to go drinking in bars).

Continue reading Would-be Dearborn Mosque attacker anti-Bush felon.