Wait, how did I miss Tom Clancy’s The Division?

This, like, pushes all the buttons.

ALL the buttons. It’s like they took my only major issue with Fallout 4* and decided to make a game around resolving that issue for me.  It looks awesome, in other words.

*Basically, it’s: Yes, I understand that civilization fell when the bombs dropped. So noted. But, dammit, I AM HERE NOW. Get a damned Minutemen team into Fanueil Hall and hold it against the Super-Mutants! Here is some combat armor. Here are advanced laser weapons. Shoot, here’s a bunch of T-60 power armor in your pick of colors. Sweep and clear, people. Sweep and clear. I am the Warlord of the Commonwealth and the Institute’s Bane, and these disturbers of the Wanderer’s Peace offend me.