I just don’t get ‘Trainspotting 2.’

Trainspotting?  That one, I get.  It was a brilliant film.  A classic one. They should show that film in high school so that kids will understand what the nigh-literal hell heroin does to you*.  But I do not ken why we needed a sequel.  Was there an outcry that I missed?



*I am aware that other people have argued otherwise; I think that they’re wrong. Trainspotting struck me as ultimately being a powerful argument against drug use.  Admittedly, the schools would blanch at showing anti-drug movies involving sex scenes with underage characters, which upon reflection is a bit of a deal-killer there, given the circumstances. Still. If you’re looking for a glamour-less look at drug use, here you go.

Movie of the Week: The Secret of Kells.

I saw The Secret of Kells a couple of weeks ago, over at my mom’s. She absolutely insisted that it was worth my time, and it was; my only quibble is that the message of ‘the only way to deal with a Viking horde is to run away’ would come as a bit of a surprise to, say, Brian Boru*.

And so, farewell to Trainspotting. Which was a very good, yet very messed up, film.

Moe Lane

*Unless, of course, you believe the scurrilous arguments to the contrary – ones made no doubt a vicious cabal of English and Scandinavian spalpeens jealous of Boru and his way of killing any random screaming Viking that himself happened to see hove into view – but I’m sure that none of you would be along of shaming yourself by repeating such obvious lies.

Movie of the Week: Trainspotting.

Trainspotting came up in conversation today for some reason, and I’ve always thought that they should show this film in health class*, so here you go.

And so, adieu to Cars. Ka-chow!

Moe Lane

*Well, after watching it I at least personally decided that I was never, ever, ever going to even think about doing heroin.  I couldn’t have been the only person with that reaction.