Meet the man that’s been atom-bombed twice.

I can’t decide if this guy’s the luckiest or the unluckiest living man on the planet:

Japan has certified a man aged 93 as the only known survivor of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, both hit by atomic bombs towards the end of World War II.

Tsutomu Yamaguchi was in Hiroshima on a business trip on 6 August 1945 when a US plane dropped the first atomic bomb.

He suffered serious burns and spent a night there before returning to his home city of Nagasaki just before it was bombed on 9 August.

The survival of two bombings, plus the fact that he’s still alive sixty years later (and reasonably healthy) argues for “lucky:” but the fact that we’re talking about being caught in two nuclear blasts makes “lucky” almost a cruel word in this context. Your call, and may we never need to drop another nuke anyway.