Tweet of the Day, One For The Marvelous Future List edition.

Saw this on the Penny Arcade Discord. Watch the bottom one first, so that you can appreciate the hysterical joke in the top one. But the original is in fact awesome, all on its own.

Tweet of the Day, COCAINE BEAR MOVIE edition.

I will so watch a movie about Cocaine Bear.

H/T: @SonnyBunch, who… may not know of Cocaine Bear?

Tweet of the Day, I’m Seriously Thinking About This Contest edition.

It’d have to be an original story in an original world, though. The first is a requirement, the second is just a good idea. Lemme think about a story idea…

Tweet of the Day, I Know ‘Florida Man’ Is Just A Reporting Illusion But DAMN edition.

It really is. As I understand it, Florida is a big state with unique disclosure rules when it comes to criminal cases. That means a decent reporter can get the kind of details that makes for good copy; and, when you find a good well, you go back to it. That’s all, really.

And yet.