Tweet of the Day, I Was Interested Up Until The Unitasker edition.

I don’t have a pineapple corer. Which is almost a shame. There’s something about these that’s legit spooky.

Tweet of the Day, I Take Joy In The Pervasive Despair Of This Tweet… edition.

…provided, of course, that the picture in it wasn’t created by Sandy Petersen. I sincerely doubt that it was. But if it was created by him, switch out the title for something with more couth.

Continue reading Tweet of the Day, I Take Joy In The Pervasive Despair Of This Tweet… edition.

Tweet of the Day, That’s… Insanely Cool. And Insane. edition.

I just assumed that they filmed the wilder stuff in the Mission Impossible series in a studio. I was apparently wrong. I also absolutely would not do this. I mean, geez, what if somebody left the lens cap on?

Tweet of the Day, THAT’S NOT FUNNY, @TheBabylonBee edition.

ANNOUNCER: In reality, it was funny. Moe Lane merely felt seen.

Tweet of the Day, Alex Trebek’s Back To Work edition.

That’s good. Heck, it’s almost miraculous. Stage IV pancreatic cancer isn’t something you shrug off, particularly when you’re 79 years old. But he looks and sounds in pretty good shape:

Via the Daily News, via Ed Driscoll.