Tweet of the Day, …So Why Are We Allied With Uzbekistan Again? edition.

I mean, fairly solid rumor has it that King President Karimov has people who displease him boiled alive. Also: under George W Bush we raised so much of a stink over the regime’s human rights abuses that they threw us out of the country. And now John Kerry is sucking up to them.

God, this administration can’t even get human rights right. It’s like they deliberately hate competence. In anything.

Continue reading Tweet of the Day, …So Why Are We Allied With Uzbekistan Again? edition.

US negotiating to reoccupy Uzbek air base?

You know, Uzbekistan. Where they BOIL PEOPLE ALIVE.

Not being content to embrace and expand a program of deniable third-party torture as a viable counter-terrorism tool, the Obama administration has apparently decided to try to mend relations with the nation of Uzbekistan (H/T: Instapundit):

Sources: US considers Uzbekistan as backup base

WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States is considering resuming military cooperation with hardline Uzbekistan as a potential backup plan given the uncertain future of a nearby air base that is a main artery for troops and supplies for the widening Afghanistan war, U.S. officials said Thursday.

Defense officials say they are examining options for supply routes through a semicircle of nations from Central Asia to the Persian Gulf that could be used in place of a strategic air base in the former Soviet republic of Kyrgyzstan.

This is, of course, in response to said air base being closed in response to Russian ‘encouragement’… which is in itself in response to the election of a new President of the United States. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves, here. Continue reading US negotiating to reoccupy Uzbek air base?