John Crace’s mind snaps while reviewing Naomi Wolf (Theoretically NSFW).

The book in question is called Vagina – yes, of course I’m going to link to it on Amazon*; shame is is a Batman villain** – and John Crace clearly has decided that if someone is going to write a four hundred page book about her… I believe that the current term of art is ‘hoo-hah?’ …then the least he can do is to write a four hundred word review that recaps properly the transformative challenge to, and defiance of, Western patriarchy that is Naomi Wolf’s genitalia.  And, lest you think that the Guardian is merely being cruel – which it was, by publishing the article*** – read Jenny Turner’s review at the same site, which is: a, considerably longer; b, much more sympathetic to Wolf’s faction of feminism than are most of the people reading this****; and c, equally goggle-eyed astounded that Naomi Wolf wrote this thing.

All in all: that’s one sweet gig Naomi Wolf’s got there.  I’m impressed.

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