We may now proceed with public vote-shaming.

If you’re below the age of twenty-five, this news should alarm you.

Basically, the courts ruled that you can in fact take a selfie of yourself with your ballot, despite the fact that it was previously against the law. And why was it against the law? Because, as that text in that picture noted: “The law against what have come to be called ballot selfies was designed to keep people from being bribed or coerced into voting a certain way.” …But that no longer applies!  So, guess what’s gonna happen in future Election Days?  That’s right: you’re gonna be social-media shamed by people for not ‘showing your pride in your vote!’ – And God forbid that you vote the wrong way, of course.  God forbid.

Gonna be exciting when that percolates all the way down, huh?

Moe Lane