Superman’s song, plus a strange thought on Wanted.

You know, I never even knew that this existed.

Superman’s Song, Crash Test Dummies

I’m still trying to figure out how sardonic these guys were trying to be in that. Of course, I’m also still trying to figure out whether Wanted is a desperate plea by Mark Millar for someone, anyone to swoop into his chosen artistic genre and forcibly reestablish the Silver Age.  I know that sounds weird, but the more I think about Mr. Rictus, the more a sketch in despair the character becomes.

Not Watching the Watchmen over on RedState.

Warner Todd Huston, my colleague over at RedState, has written something on Alan Moore‘s Watchmen comic series: the fact that it’s titled “Unheroic Superheroes, Watch out for the Watchmen” suggests that he’s not likely to be going to go see the film, to put it mildly (he’s gone into more detail here, although I haven’t read it yet). Continue reading Not Watching the Watchmen over on RedState.

Wanted the movie vs. Wanted the comic: Whoa.

I mean, I get that movies often diverge from their subject material.  And the author Mark Millar is apparently cool with what happened here, so I’m not disapproving.

But still: compare Wanted the movie with  “Wanted” the comic book series.  It’s impressively different, even by Hollywood standards.  Not quite American Hero / Wag the Dog territory, but still impressive.

H/T: Backward Compatible