Quote of the Day, Now THIS Is How You Troll Official Washington edition.

So, basically, Andrew Styles went and bought a bunch of Trump hats for the WFB staff, because why not? I’d buy a Make America Great Again hat myself, except that they’re overpriced. Anyway, people saw the donation, assumed that five hundred bucks for hats was actually the same kind of Big Thing as to the seventy-five grand Stephanopoulos gave the Clinton Foundation.  And then the Washington Free Beacon lowered the boom.

Washington Free Beacon editor Matthew Continetti said in a statement Stiles purchased the hats for the staff at the publication.

“As Andrew has said, he made what he thought was a charitable donation to the cause of making America great again, a cause that he cares about deeply. Additionally, Mr. Stiles has disclosed in numerous online postings on our site that he was in fact a Trump campaign donor. In August, Mr. Stiles also presented our staff with really incredible Make America Great Again hats, and by the way, they do look fantastic, they look so good your head will spin,” Continetti said.

Then Continetti said Stiles will be investigated by “Biff Diddle…”

Continue reading Quote of the Day, Now THIS Is How You Troll Official Washington edition.

The Washington Free Beacon is like, the Amazon of trolling.

I do not say that I cannot troll as well as the Washington Free Beacon can, at any one given point. I do say that consistently trolling as well, and with the same intensity, as the Washington Free Beacon should be a task that one would not leisurely undertake. Those people operate at levels – and expectations, hence the Amazon reference – that impress the professionals.

Washington Free Beacon causes US State Department to act like spoiled children. In front of Europe, too.

Does State even HAVE a victory condition, here? – Not that they have one for Iran, either*.

Today’s event, of course, elevates the Washington Free Beacon. After all, this is not exactly a bad time to have a reputation for being personally hated by the Obama administration.  In fact, I kind of wish for that status myself:

Officials with the Department of State threatened to call security Monday on a Washington Free Beacon reporter who was attempting to report on a briefing held by senior Obama administration figures in Vienna on the eve of an expected nuclear agreement with Iran.

Two State Department officials booted theFree Beacon from a room where Wendy Sherman, the undersecretary of state for political affairs, was talking to reporters, despite the Free Beacon’s being credentialed by the Austrian government for the ongoing Iranian nuclear talks.

Continue reading Washington Free Beacon causes US State Department to act like spoiled children. In front of Europe, too.

Politico acts as bodyguard for New York Times against the Washington Free Beacon. AGAIN.

Quick background: the Washington Free Beacon reported that the New York Times took one hundred thousand in donations from the Clintons in the same year that the NYT’s owner overruled the editoral board to endorse… surprise surprise, Hillary Clinton. Now, let us be correct, here: nobody has come out and said that this was a bribe. Or a quid pro quo. Or even an ‘understanding.’  The Washington Free Beacon is merely asking questions and noting where the money is going, which is something that journalists are supposedly expected to do. Continue reading Politico acts as bodyguard for New York Times against the Washington Free Beacon. AGAIN.

The Tony Podesta / Heather Miller breakup – technically, a ‘divorce’ – promises to be fascinating.

Dear Lord, but this is going to be bloody: “Last week the information Tony Podesta was giving was the divorce complaint he had filed in D.C. Court against his wife Heather. The hands receiving that information belonged to a gossip columnist for the Washington Postwho made the “informed decision” to report on it. Later in the day Heather, who is also a lobbyist, informed the Post the text of her counter-suit. It published a follow-up.”

…OK. I know that most of my readers are kindly people, who feel that people’s private lives are their private lives.  Your instinctive reaction to this will be to move slightly away from the monitor screen. Your forehead will slightly furrow; your eye muscles will tighten.  At the top of your forebrain will dart the thought Divorces are scary things; people who are afflicted with them should be given space. In short, you will automatically not want to pursue this story further.  And that’s a good thing! That’s proper behavior. Continue reading The Tony Podesta / Heather Miller breakup – technically, a ‘divorce’ – promises to be fascinating.