A month of Lovecraft is Missing filler…

…which promises to be above the usual webcomic filler: various cultural artifacts as part of “an informal survey of serial storytelling” and lots of guest blogs from other people doing Lovecraft-themed webcomics. Sounds like fun.

I’d also like to note again that Tour de Lovecraft really is an immensely accessible survey/refresher of Lovecraft’s work.

See, this is why I read Order of the Stick.

It isn’t because of the D&D jokes, although those are fun.  It’s because it’s clever.

And because Rich Burlew actually takes moral questions seriously.

Moe Lane

PS: I’d also like to note for the record that this is exceptionally self-referential:

…but it sounds really cool.

Heh. Blade Runner reference in Freefall.

Comic here: main comic here. Blade Runner is one of those movies that would be one of my favorites, if it weren’t for the fact that I’m not exactly sure which one of the seven versions is my favorite; or whether the version that is my favorite actually exists.  It’s entirely possible that I’m picking and choosing to create an idealized gestalt Blade Runner in my head.

Which, by the way, is a notion that Philip K. Dick would have loved.

Sheldon brings teh Webcomics Funny.

As Eric Burns might say.

Anyway, it was the zeppelins that ensured the link.  I’m a sucker for zeppelin war fleets. Thanks, Neil!

Moe Lane

PS: The cover of Fitzpatrick’s War is kind of evocative of this, but less than I remember. It’s an… odd book. A bit of a caricature, and more than a bit offensive to those it’s caricaturing, but well-written for all that.