Tweet of the Day, I Would Go To This Production Of Hamlet edition.

This would be genius.  Genius.

I’m not one for modern-clothing productions of Shakespeare — this is solely aesthetic on my part; I’m well aware that it’s a tradition that dates back to, well, Shakespeare — but I’d watch this. I’d watch the heck out of this.

Dear God, the Rennies were right all along.

Not that there’s anything wrong with Rennies*, but… we’re never going to live this down.

[KU Professor Paul] Meier is staging Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” in November, and it will be the first time in North America that a Shakespeare production is being performed entirely in the original pronunciation.


“American audiences will hear an accent and style surprisingly like their own in its informality and strong r-colored vowels,” Meier said. “The original pronunciation performance strongly contrasts with the notions of precise and polished delivery created by John Gielgud, Laurence Olivier and their colleagues from the 20th century British theater.”

Yeah.  That’s the accent you get from people who are trying to sound all archaic-folk-Celtic.  And they’re apparently right.

Via AoSHQ, damn them.

Moe lane

*Renaissance Faire enthusiasts.