What’s Swedish for “Arrrrrr?”

Swedish Pirate Party Wins a Seat in the European Union

Yes, yes, not that kind of pirate; besides, they’d call themselves the Swedish Viking Party if they were. That just means that I can safely make “Bork bork bork” jokes* without being worrying about being cleaved by a axe-wielding parliamentarian.

Moe Lane

*I can’t make Bjork jokes: she’s apparently Icelandic. Who knew?

Crossposted to RedState.

4 thoughts on “What’s Swedish for “Arrrrrr?””

  1. There’s a great bit on Robot Chicken where the Swedish Chef is walking along a street and meets Bjork, Mork, a dork, orders some pork, asks for a fork, gets a spork, and finally is chased off the screen by an orc. Needless to say, he’s repeating these various names as he goes along.

  2. Oh, I almost forgot Quark, who makes an appearance in that Robot Chicken bit too.

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