It’s pretty much just “Reaganesque” at this point.

(Via AoSHQ Headlines)  Political identifiers are taking a beating these days. A comparison between this month’s survey by Rasmussen and November’s shows that the public is getting sick of pretty much all of us.

Well, all of us except Ronald Reagan.

Positive Negative In-Between
Epithet Now Nov Now Nov Now Nov
Liberal 15% 19% 41% 36% 42% 41%
Progressive 32% 40% 27% 16% 36% 40%
Conservative 32% 37% 29% 20% 37% 40%
Moderate 35% 40% 12% 8% 51% 50%
Like Ronald Reagan 41% 43% 25% 26% 31% 29%

Spokesmen from either the Reaganlican or the Reagancratic parties were unavailable for comment.

MoReagan LReagane

Crossposted to ReagandState.

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