#rsrh I will give Charles Djou money if this happens.

And I’m not a Birther, either.

I’m a Birther critic in good standing but I dig Tom Maguire’s reply to Frank: Djou should authorize Hawaii to release his long-form birth certificate, just to show how quickly and painlessly it can be done. Not in a million years will that happen — there’s no sense in gratuitously antagonizing Obama fans back in his home district, where he’ll have have a tough time getting reelected even under favorable circumstances — but I like the idea of Djou ambushing Frank during some press availability in the Capitol hallway. Just toss him the folder, hold up a finger, and say, “One week.”

I never would have suggested that Djou do this, but if Barney Frank feels the need to spout off it seems a shame to not take advantage of it.