#rsrh Rooting for Injuries Watch, 07/14/2010.

Via Hot Air Headlines, Here are our three participants in today’s Circular Firing Squad:

  • Rep. Steve Cohen (D, TN-09).  White guy representing a majority-minority district. Hates Tea Partiers and conservatives.
  • Willie Herenton. Hates the white guy representing a majority-minority district.  Hates the fact that the President is endorsing the white guy in the primary.
  • President Barack Obama.  Hates… his job at this point, probably.

Watch it all unfold.  Of the three of them, the closest that I’d come to feeling sympathy for would probably be the President, except of course that Obama’s earned these kinds of headaches, a dozen times over.

Moe Lane

PS: Charlotte Bergmann for Congress.  Which reminds me, Willy: when you lose, are you going to endorse the GOP candidate?  What with this entire ‘Just One’ thing, and everything.