Hey, I guess I was wrong about something.

I figured that Meryl Streep wasn’t going to let them destroy her chances at a third Oscar by giving her a horribly deformed Margaret Thatcher to play.  Via Power Line, it seems that I was wrong:

The cameras have not even started rolling on a new film being made about Margaret Thatcher’s life in which she is expected to be played by Meryl Streep, but already the project has been tainted by controversy over the negative way it intends to portray the former Prime Minister.

On first hearing about the production last month, a member of Lady Thatcher’s family, who wishes to remain anonymous, said they were ‘appalled’ to learn that she will be depicted as a dementia sufferer looking back on her career with regret.

How do I put this nicely? Look, Hollywood: the reason why the movies that all y’all make that all y’all let be too informed by your personal political sensibilities never make any money is because, well, your personal political sensibilities suck and normal people hate them.  This is not the fault of normal people, and neither is the fact that all y’all get incredibly whiny about having to go through the unbearable tedium of making movies that people will watch in sufficient quantities to support your collective hooker, cocaine, and left-wing liberal activism habits.  So when this turkey bombs and Streep discovers that her numbers are going to be down slightly for the rest of her career, try some introspection before all y’all start pitching a fit.


I-N-T-R-Oh, never mind.

Moe Lane

PS: Yes, I’ve used that joke lately.  First cup of coffee and the firstborn decided to be awake until 1 AM.

PPS: That is me being nice, considering the details of the PS.

PPPS: Look, it’s not my fault that the American South has come up with a workable second-person plural.

3 thoughts on “Hey, I guess I was wrong about something.”

  1. I think Moe’s right in the first place. Post-post script, post-post-post, infinity, but additional -scripts, no.

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